We are committed in protecting our customers\’ privacy and security. We take your safety online very seriously. Our privacy policies are detailed below in order to offer you more efficient service and to inform you of the ways in which information is used.

We will collect information about you.

It\’s crucial to understand the data we gather. It is possible to find out your email, name, street address, business name and postcode. The data we gather can be obtained through a variety of methods. Cookies are used primarily to collect and store non-personally identifiable data about users. Personal identifiable data is specific data about you, for example your credit card number, or your bank account. This data is specific to you.

Information can be used for a variety of purposes

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Ordering and registration:

You\’ll be required to supply your name, postal and billing addresses, telephone number, email address, and credit card number at the time you sign up. It is possible that you will be asked to provide your residence country so that we can be in compliance with applicable laws. These types of data are gathered to enable billing and fulfill your orders. The information can be used to connect directly with customers about their website and purchases, as well as to promote. If there\’s a problem with your order, the information that we gather can be used to reach out to you.

Email Addresses

A subscription to newsletters is a great way to gain access to incredible bargains. You may enter any contest you wish to enter, and we\\\’ll send you your information.

3. Privacy Protection

We don\’t rent, sell or share personal information as part of our business policies. We utilize encryption software that is of the highest quality. Every employee is required to sign confidentiality agreements that limit the sharing of any information.